Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where'd the heat go?

During the night the temps down here took a nosedive. Instead of having an overnight low in the 70's it went down to 50 last night and only got up to 54 today......what a change. I also had a first on my trip.......precipitation yes it rained for the first time in over 60 days. Can't complain too much however as they really needed the rain down here. The cool temps and precip. is slated to last until Monday when it will start warming up into the 80's again. Got some sad news today......... there has been a helicopter crash off the coast of Newfoundland and one of the passengers was my cousins husband. So far only one survivor (not him) and one confirmed dead but if they don't find the rest soon, it doesn't look good as the north atlantic is very cold at this time of year. Well good time to do more laundry and shopping indoors.

1 comment:

  1. doug which one of the guys in the helo was related to us.
    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Shingles I understand can be mean.
    Say Hi to Sue and take care
