Everything has been working fine with my
Internet connection for two days now
soooooo hope that is it. Actually things are working better than OK as during all the troubleshooting Time Warner boosted the speed on my connection and it is still
smokin. Yesterday things warmed up
soooo off I went to
Neuavo Progresso Mexico wanted to check out the dentists and see how much it would cost to get the tooth I chipped repaired. Crossed over to Mexico early (about 9am) and traffic was light. The main street looked very dirty and dusty this year but I saw lots of people out sweeping the walks and street trying to clean up. The dirt must be a result of all the rain they have been getting this year which is weird as you'd think that would clean things off. A local told me that occasionally when it rains and their is a strong wind before hand,
allot of dust whipped up in the air is washed down so you get a dirty rain? not sure if that's true but things were dirty.
There are about 100 dentists in this small town so finding one was not a problem. Before I went however I got a few
recommendations as to which ones to see and when I went to those even at the early hour they all had long waiting lists
sooooo as my chipped tooth seems to be stable and I still have insurance to cover it back home decided not to get it done here.
I did buy a large bottle of Bacardi rum for about $9.00 (plus the $1.00 tax to Texas to bring it back). I then headed back towards home. After lunch at Dairy Queen (hey first time this trip) I was going down 83 and realized that I was close to the Fig Tree resort so pulled off to visit Dave and Genni Bailey from
Brantford who have a place there. Jenn was off to a hair appointment but had a good chat with Dave and we made plans to visit again and I'll show them around Fun n Sun at some point.
I then headed to
Wal-Mart to look around (bad decision) In my wanderings I looked at their printers and saw a Canon printer for $30.00 cheaper than what the ink costs. Anyway it was the right size for the trailer and when it runs out of ink throw it out and get another one. What a waste I know but until they get realistic on their ink costs the cheapest way to go. The printer will come in handy printing maps or coupons found on the
Internet etc.
Finally got home later in the evening and bar-b-
qued some sausage then watched the Olympics for a bit. The temps here are forecast to be in the 70's for the next week so hope to work on that tan some.